Advanced Solidity Bootcamp

Take your skills to the next level.

  • Learn with an expert instructor

  • Weekly homework and projects to fill up your Github

  • Next cohort starts on 7th October (14:00 - 15:30 BST).


About the Advanced Solidity Bootcamp

A 6-week bootcamp to make you a Solidity expert, taught by the fantastic team at Extropy!

The course is completely free, but highly selective

It consists of daily live Zoom classes (90 minutes, Monday-Thursday).

There is daily homework and hacking projects to accelerate personal study

We help place graduates in jobs in the blockchain space

Eligibility and Selection Process

  • The time slot for the Q4 2024 cohort of the Advanced Solidity Bootcamp, starting on 7th October is Monday-Thursday at 14:00-15:30 BST.

  • 50 selected individuals for each cohort. Be sure to stand out!

  • Participants are selected based on their applications and a video interview. Make sure your GitHub and LinkedIn look great before applying!

  • To be eligible for the bootcamp, applicants need to satisfy at least one of the following criteria:

    • 2 years working web3 dev experience,

    • 4 years working web2 dev experience,

    • Exceptional ability demonstrated by public GitHub,

    • Exceptional student credentials (STEM or Computer Science-based degree at a top university),

    • Encode bootcamp graduate, accelerator participant or hackathon prize winner, or

    • Other evidence of exceptional ability.

  • No point in dry lecturing without any practical work in a bootcamp! All the participants will work on weekly homeworks with their teams, as well as on the final project during the final week of the bootcamp.

  • The Bootcamp is completely free! You are required to pay a deposit if accepted—the full deposit will be returned after successful graduation!

  • The Bootcamp is designed to be a part-time commitment. Other than 90-minute daily sessions, you’re required to check Discord for any updates and group tasks.

  • All successful bootcamp graduates receive a certificate, either as a PDF or as an NFT. It serves as an official graduation certificate, which means you can feature it on your CV and LinkedIn profile.

Our Teacher

Laurence Kirk

Laurence Kirk

A long time Encode community member, Laurence is well known in the UK scene as one of the leading educators on blockchain. He leads, a blockchain consultancy based in Oxford, specialising in developing blockchain solutions, security auditing, training & more.


The EVM in detail — memory / storage / opcodes / understanding bytecode

Solidity best practices, useful patterns / tips

Auditing approaches, techniques and tools

MEV and its mitigation

Cryptography — Signatures / Hashes

Solidity libraries in detail

Solidity Assembly — Yul

Upgradability — advanced patterns

Solidity advanced function usage

Essential 3rd party libraries

Gas optimisation techniques and measurement

Development tools: Solidity Template / Advanced Hardhart / Tenderly

Partner guest workshops

Project week

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsor

Apply for the Advanced Solidity Bootcamp


Previous Expert Solidity bootcamp cohorts