Encode x Solana Hackathon
Sponsored by the Solana Foundation
A 4-week hackathon centered around building on Solana.
Tackle bounties, attend workshops and win prizes!
This hackathon has now finished. Read all about the event and prize winners here!
Start Date: Monday, 8th January 2024
Submission Deadline: Sunday, 4th February 2024
Finale and Prizegiving: Thursday, 22nd February 2024
Read more in the official announcement.
Bounties and prizes
Overall best use case and implementation
1st Place: $3500
2nd Place: $2500
3rd Place: $1500
Best first steps in the Solana ecosystem
Prize pool: 5x $500
Prize: $1000
Submission Requirements:
Submit a link of the GitHub repository.
Ensure the repository contains the CIDL file and a README with a link to a functional MVP website.
Confirm accessibility of the GitHub link for the reviewing team or share it with https://github.com/JazielGuerrero.
Successfully deploy the project on Solana devnet/testnet/mainnet-beta.
Validate the submission with Código-generated code and a fully functional MVP website.
Submit before the deadline; no extensions will be granted.
Create a Twitter thread summarizing the project.
Tag @CodigoPlatform for the team to review.
Prize Pool: $1500
Build a Web3 application using the Ironforge RPC Gateway and our Triton One integration.
1st Prize: $750 in Ironforge credits.
2nd Prize: $500 in Ironforge credits.
3rd Prize: $250 in Ironforge credits.
Honorable mentions: One month free Pro tier.
Developers need to be using the Ironforge RPC Gateway in order to be considered for the bounties.
Create innovative applications utilising the Solana.fm API. The goal is to showcase the versatility and power of the Solana.fm API in various applications. The application should demonstrate an innovative use of the Solana.fm API and present a compelling use case. Surprise us with unexpected use cases!
Prize Structure:
3x Tier 1 Rate Limit for 6 months
What happens
during the hackathon?
Register ▶ Form a team ▶ Attend workshops ▶ Build your project ▶ Get 1-1 mentorship ▶ Submit!
Schedule and Key Dates
Right now! | Early Registrations Open! | Sign up here! |
Mon, Jan 8th5.30 pm GMT | Launch Event! | Sign up here! |
Wed, Jan 10th4:00 pm GMT | Build a DeFi dApp in under an hour | |
Thur, Jan 11th5:30 pm GMT | Creating Inscriptions on Solana | |
Fri, Jan 12th4:00 pm GMT | Building on Solana – What They Don't Tell Ya |
Wed, Jan 17th10:30 am GMT | Intro to SolanaFM APIs | Sign up here! |
Wed, Jan 17th5:30 am GMT | How to pitch your start up | |
Thur, Jan 18th10:30 am GMT | AMA with Yawn Rong, Co-founder of STEPN |
Sun, Feb 4th23:59 | Submission Deadline | Sign up here! |
Whole time! | Support (Calls and Discord)! |
Thu, Feb 22nd3pm GMT | Finale and Prizegiving! | Sign up here! |
Previous Events
Individuals and teams of up to six can work on projects across all chains, with the single condition that at least one member is either a university student or is related to an educational club or community.
No, you can hack solo. If you’d like to form a team, we will help you connect with other hackers.
Yes! The Encode team will offer support during this hackathon.
For updates, announcements, and everything else on the organisational side, please keep an eye on Encode’s Discord.
Yes, you can, but only if your project hasn’t raised significant funding already and significant feature changes have been made.
Yes, you/your team is the sole owner of your project.
Yes! We actively encourage this.

Title Sponsor
The Solana Foundation is a non-profit foundation based in Zug, Switzerland, dedicated to the decentralization, adoption and security of the Solana ecosystem. For more information, please visit https://solana.org/.