Explore Expander Bootcamp

Join us for a six-week programme to learn, build and win $250k in prizes.

Launched 20th January!

How it works

  • Learn to develop with zero-knowledge, Expander, and GKR

  • Build and contribute to the future of Ethereum

  • Receive a certificate of completion

  • Win grants and pitch investors

Polyhedra is building foundational infrastructure for trust and scalability in AI and blockchain systems enabling secure, verifiable and high-performance applications.

Prize Pool

250,000 USD in Grants

The best project in each bounty track will receive a $50,000 grant.

Bounty Tracks

Efficient Onchain Verifiers Using Recursive GKR Compression

Account Abstraction with zkLogin (Keyless Login)

Single Slot Finality: Post-Quantum Signature for BEAM Chain Consensus

Building zkML with GKR Protocol

Post-Quantum Private Transactions on Ethereum

Moderators and Lecturers

Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum Foundation)

Lev Soukhanov (Ethereum Foundation)

Zhenfei Zhang (Polyhedra)

Alin Tomescu (Aptos)

Dmitry Khovratovich (Ethereum Foundation)

Dan Boneh (Stanford University)

Shumo Chu (Nebra)

Yupeng Zhang (UIUC)

Jens Groth (Nexus)

Abhi Shelat (Google)

Wei Dai (1kx)

Ryan Cao (World)

Tiancheng Xie (Polyhedra)

Justin Drake (Ethereum Foundation)



Reading Material

Coding Material


Previous Events