Encode x Fuel

Educate Series

Get started building on Fuel, attend free online workshops and level up your skills.

Then, tackle the Encode x Fuel Hackathon and complete challenges to win prizes.

Registrations Closed!

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Fuel is an operating system purpose-built for Ethereum rollups. Fuel’s unique architecture allows rollups to solve for PSI (parallelization, state minimized execution, & interoperability). Powered by FuelEVM, Fuel aims to expand Ethereum’s capability set without compromising security or decentralization.

Series Overview

• Introduction to Fuel and Modular
Blockchain Architecture •

• Deploying Native NFT collections on Fuel •

•How to Index Data on Fuel in <5 mins using Envio •

• Fast Historic Data Querying with HyperFuel •

• Predicates are the new Smart Contracts •

• Building Stateless DeFi Applications:
How to Build an On-chain Order Book •

Learning Outcome

Get familiar with Fuel, an operating system purpose-built for Ethereum rollups. Gain comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in leveraging Fuel's advanced blockchain architecture to deploy applications, manage data efficiently and innovate with cutting-edge DeFi technologies.

Previous Events


Completed the Educate Series and ready to take your skills to the next level?

Join the Encode x Fuel Hackathon.