powered by Filecoin

Inspiring new use cases to build the open data economy

This hackathon has now finished. Read all about the event and prize winners here!

Start date: Wednesday, August 30th, 2023

Submission date: Wednesday, September 27th, 2023

Finale and Prizegiving: Thursday, October 12th, 2023

Read the official announcement!


  What to expect?

🤓 Workshops

🏆 Bounties

👥 1-1 Mentorship

🤓 Workshops 🏆 Bounties 👥 1-1 Mentorship


The Filecoin Virtual Machine
brings programmability to Filecoin and has gained traction with thousands of developers who are building exciting new projects and companies!

Filecoin is the L1 blockchain and storage network poised to power the open data economy.

Join our virtual 3-week hackathon to shape the future of web3!


Prize Pool

$43,500 in prizes & growing!




FVM Bounty

Data DAOs or Collectives

Best solution to enable DAOs or collectives to form around the creation, curation, monetization and preservation of collectively created datasets that they (and the world) care about, such as video, social network or scientific archives.

Data Derivatives

Best product to elevate or harvest the value of public open datasets stored on Filecoin via slingshot, moon-landing, etc. Using FVM to guard the retrieval, usage and profit generated by those open datasets on Filecoin

Wild Card

Some ideas don't fit any categories! The Wild Card prize is for out-of-the-box ideas built on FVM that contribute to building the new Open Data Economy using Filecoin.

Add & retrieve data via FVM

Best solutions/products to supercharge data onboarding and retrieval highways onto FVM. Examples: Build UI for data upload, replication, repair and renewal workers, and perpetual storage solutions, as well as incentive design to guarantee reliable retrievability to the clients’ data (such as retriev).

*If you use, please use it with FVM.

Reputation Service

Best product that leverages the SP reputation database provided by SP Reputation WG to solve real-world problems. Consume raw reputation data from the database, define heuristics to utilize the data for your product, and encourage SPs to capitalize on their reputation and performance.


3x Grand Prize: $3,500

Up to 10x Pool Prize: $5,500 (Capped at $1000 per team)


Lilypad Bounty

Compute over Data

Best solutions to facilitate decentralized compute and/or AI and ML jobs. Build new solutions for DeSci, DAI, etc. or DApps that take advantage of the Lilypad decentralised compute network → Discover more here!

1x Grand Prize: $2,500

1x Runner up Prize: $1,500

2x Honorable Mention: $500


Saturn Bounty

 Retrieval via distributed CDN

Best apps or web services that use Saturn L1 nodes for data retrieval and verification.

2x Grand Prize: $1750


ConsensusLab Bounty

Filecoin’s Fastest

Best application leveraging the improved finality and throughput properties of FVM on IPC subnets.

Subnet tools

Best tools to simplify IPC subnet management, improve data visibility, and provide analytics.


Best client app or wallet to help users navigate the multi-subnet world of IPC.

1x Grand Prize: $1500


NFT.Storage Bounty

Storage Wizard

Best project storing Data on Filecoin using storage on ramps such as, or

4x Prizes: $500


Libp2p Bounty

P2P Apps & Services

Best use of LibP2P in the networking layer to build peer to peer web/mobile services or applications making use of essential qualities such as interoperability, NAT traversal, universal connectivity, security, robustness & more!

2x Prizes: $500


IPFS, Helia Bounty

IPFS: Best app, library, or plugin which supports the IPFS ecosystem.

Note: Our judges are focused on reviewing projects implementing/improving/using Helia but will also review other exceptionally creative uses. Some examples of projects we would love to see include:

- An application that leverages Helia directly to solve users’ needs.

- A plugin that enhances the capabilities of Helia inside applications.

- A library that makes it easier for users or devs to meet needs with Helia.

1x Grand Prize: $1000


Chainlink Bounty

- 2 best projects building with Chainlink CCIP

- 2 best projects building with any other Chainlink service

4x Prizes: $500


DataverseOS Bounty

Internet Operating System for sovereign data dApps

Best use of DataverseOS to build sovereign data applications over its DApp Store, making use of essential functions such as sign-in-with-dataverse, web-native file system, access control, graph database & more! Check Dataverse Hackathon Guidelines for more examples.

4x Prizes: $500


Tableland Bounty

Best integration with Tableland

Best usage of Tableland. Prize focus is on a dataset/index with write access permissions to allow external collaborators to add to the index or similar; bonus for also using compute-over-data.

Main Prize: $1000

Runner up: $500

Pool Prize: $1000


Lighthouse Bounty

Best use of Lighthouse with FVM

1x $1000 prize

Best use of Lighthouse Access Control Features

2x Prizes: $500


Mona Bounty

1. Best website or web app that uses Mona spaces and avatars in an interesting way

e.g. A website where each click leads to a different Mona space

e.g. A website that simplifies scheduling events in a Mona space

2. Best interactive components built using visual scripting inside of the Mona


2x 1.5k for #1 prize

4x $500 for #2 prize


Huddle01 Bounty

Build a decentralized audio/video data project. Here are some project examples provided by Huddle01:

- Audio/video solution for DataDAO

- Building Data Oracles Using Meeting Data to Be Used for Later Incentives.

Keep in mind that these are just some examples and other ideas will be accepted too.

3x Prizes: $250


Title Sponsor


The Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) is a runtime environment for smart contracts (also called actors) on the Filecoin network. FVM brings user programmability to Filecoin, unleashing the enormous potential of an open data economy.




 What happens
during the hackathon?


Register ▶ Form a team ▶ Attend workshops ▶ Build your project ▶ Get 1-1 mentorship ▶ Submit!


Key Hackathon Dates

Wed, Aug 30th16:00 BST Launch Sign up here!
Thurs, Aug 31st13:30 BST RaaS deep dive Workshop with FVM
Thurs, Aug 31st14:00 BST Filecoin Basics & Storage Helpers Workshop with NFT.Storage
Thurs, Aug 31st14:30 BST Building a DataDAO with programmatic and verifiable storage workshop with FVM
Thurs, Aug 31st15:00 BST Using IPC for launching subnets for Filecoin MainNet Workshop with IPC ConsensusLab
Fri, Sep 1st17:00 BST Programmable storage with Lighthouse
Tue, Sep 5th14:00 BST Using Lilypad for decentralised AI & ML 🔥 Workshop with Lilypad Sign up here!
Tue, Sep 5th14:30 BST DataverseOS: Internet Operating System for sovereign data dApps
Tue, Sep 5th15:00 BST Building with public datasets on Tableland's web3 SQL database Workshop with Tableland
Tue, Sep 5th15:30 BST Universal Connectivity and libp2p Browser Tricks Workshop with Libp2p
Tue, Sep 5th16:00 BST Advancing data retrievability Workshop with FVM
Tue, Sep 5th16:30 BST Building Cross-Chain Dynamic NFT with Chainlink
Wed, Sep 6th17:00 BST IPFS in the Browser: Headstart with Helia Workshop
Wed, Sep 6th17:30 BST Introduction to Saturn: Retrieval Markets on Filecoin Networks
Wed, Sep 6th18:00 BST Replication NFT certificate with full piece CID Workshop with FVM
Thur, Sep 7th16:00 BST Audio/Video dApps for DataDAO
Thur, Sep 7th17:00 BST Visual Scripting for Mona
Whole week Project check-ins and building! Sign up here!
Wed, Sep 27th Submissions due! Sign up here!
TBC Pitch practice
Thurs, Oct 12th Finale!




Robert Dowling

Robert Dowling from FVM

Xiangan Xe

Xiangan Xe from FVM

Jenks Guo

Jenks Guo from NFT.Storage

Prithvi Shahi

Prithvi Shahi from Libp2p

Ally Haire

Ally Haire from Lilypad

Discordian from IPFS, Helia

Discordian from IPFS, Helia

Mikhail Turilin

Mikhail Turilin from ConsensusLab

Matt Hamilton

Matt Hamilton from FVM

Longfei Wang

Longfei Wang from FVM

Patrick Woodhead

Patrick Woodhead from Saturn

Michael Tiew

Michael Tiew from Longlash

Sarah Thiam

Sarah Thiam from FVM

Zak Ayesh

Zak Ayesh from FVM

Russell Dempsey

Russell Dempsey from IPFS, Helia


  • Anyone can take part in this hackathon!

  • No, you can hack solo.
    If you’d like to form a team, we will help you connect with other hackers.

  • Yes! The Encode team will offer support during this hackathon.

  • For updates, announcements, and everything else on the organisational side, please keep an eye on Encode’s Discord.

  • Yes, you can, but only if your project hasn’t raised significant funding already and significant feature changes have been made.

  • Yes, you/your team is the sole owner of your project.

  • Yes! We actively encourage this.