Encode x Polkadot
Spring 2023 Hackathon

Build on Polkadot and win awesome prizes.

This hackathon has now finished. Read all about the event and prize winners here!

Start Date: Tuesday, 11th April 2023
Submission Deadline: Sunday, 14th May 2023
Finale and Prizegiving: Friday, 2nd June 2023

Find out more in our official announcement.


How it works

The hackathon is 4 weeks long

Attend technical workshops and learn to build with Polkadot

Answer challenges and compete for fantastic prizes

Win prizes

 Challenges and Prizes


Acala: Build a dApp with Acala EVM+

Use at least one of the following features:
Wormhole bridge
Acala Predeploy contracts
Polkadot wallet integration

Prizes: 1st: $2000, 2nd: $800, 3rd: $300

Acala: Build a Tool with Chopsticks

Example idea: Take current governance referendum and dry run it with Chopsticks and display the output.

Prizes: 1st: $2000, 2nd: $800, 3rd: $300

Zeitgeist: Zeitgeist SDK Challenge

Build a game or integrate prediction market technology into your project using the Zeitgeist SDK.

Prize: 3000 USDC and/or 1000 ZTG


Subsocial: Plugin Challenge

Create a plugin for Subsocial with Gatsby/Ghost platforms.

Prize: up to $3k

Subsocial: Grill Chat Challenge

Extend the functionality of Grill Chat.

Prize: up to $3k

Interlay: Kintsugi Challenge

Build a dApp for Bitcoin on Kintsugi.

Prize: up to $3000 worth of INTR


Interlay/Astar: ink! Challenge

Build ink! Smart Contracts for Bitcoin.

Prize: up to $5000 (INTR + ASTR)

Astar: WASM dApp Challenge

Create a dApp built using ink! Wasm smart contracts or serving the Wasm smart contract ecosystem

Prize: 3-month mentor program at Astar with the possibility of a grant after the program.

Astar: Prediction Market Challenge

Create a dApp that will allow users to create prediction markets, defining the market question, outcome options, resolution source, and market end time.

Prize: 3-month mentor program at Astar with the possibility of a grant after the program.


Subsquid: Giant Squid Challenge

Hackers must complete at least one of the following subchallenges:
(1) Data validation tool for Giant Squid
(2) Status React Component for Giant Squid APIs
(3) New Giant Squid API: Delegate Account

Prizes: two best entries - $1.5k each

Bifrost: LSD Challenge

Build a dapp for vTokens on Bifrost (refer to “Inspiration for vToken Builders”)

Prize: up to $2500 worth of BNC

Ajuna: Start Game Challenge

Submit your GDD.

Prize pool: 10,000BAJU + 2 Legendary AAAs

  What happens
during the hackathon?


Register ▶ Form a team ▶ Attend workshops ▶
Build your project ▶ Get 1-1 mentorship ▶ Submit


Key dates

Launch on 11th April 2023

Submission deadline on 14th May 2023

Finale and Prizegiving on 2nd June 2023





  • Who can take part? Anyone can take part in this hackathon!

  • Do I need a team? No, you can hack solo. If you’d like to form a team, we will help you connect with other hackers.

  • Is there technical support? Yes! The Polkadot and Encode teams will offer support during this hackathon.

  • Where does the organisation happen? For updates, announcements and everything else on the organisational side, please keep an eye on Encode’s Discord.

  • Can I enter an existing project? Yes, you can, but only if your project hasn’t raised significant funding already.

  • Do I own what I build? Yes, you/your team is the sole owner of your project.

  • Can I do more than one challenge? Yes! We actively encourage this.



Polkadot logo

Polkadot unites and secures a growing ecosystem of specialized blockchains called parachains. Apps and services on Polkadot can securely communicate across chains, forming the basis for a truly interoperable decentralized web.

Read more here.

