Encode x Polkadot
Spring 2023 Hackathon
Build on Polkadot and win awesome prizes.
This hackathon has now finished. Read all about the event and prize winners here!
Start Date: Tuesday, 11th April 2023
Submission Deadline: Sunday, 14th May 2023
Finale and Prizegiving: Friday, 2nd June 2023
Find out more in our official announcement.
How it works
The hackathon is 4 weeks long
Attend technical workshops and learn to build with Polkadot
Answer challenges and compete for fantastic prizes
Win prizes
Challenges and Prizes
Acala: Build a dApp with Acala EVM+
Use at least one of the following features:
• Wormhole bridge
• Acala Predeploy contracts
• Polkadot wallet integration
Prizes: 1st: $2000, 2nd: $800, 3rd: $300
Acala: Build a Tool with Chopsticks
Example idea: Take current governance referendum and dry run it with Chopsticks and display the output.
Prizes: 1st: $2000, 2nd: $800, 3rd: $300
Zeitgeist: Zeitgeist SDK Challenge
Build a game or integrate prediction market technology into your project using the Zeitgeist SDK.
Prize: 3000 USDC and/or 1000 ZTG
Subsocial: Plugin Challenge
Create a plugin for Subsocial with Gatsby/Ghost platforms.
Prize: up to $3k
Subsocial: Grill Chat Challenge
Extend the functionality of Grill Chat.
Prize: up to $3k
Interlay: Kintsugi Challenge
Build a dApp for Bitcoin on Kintsugi.
Prize: up to $3000 worth of INTR
Interlay/Astar: ink! Challenge
Build ink! Smart Contracts for Bitcoin.
Prize: up to $5000 (INTR + ASTR)
Astar: WASM dApp Challenge
Create a dApp built using ink! Wasm smart contracts or serving the Wasm smart contract ecosystem
Prize: 3-month mentor program at Astar with the possibility of a grant after the program.
Astar: Prediction Market Challenge
Create a dApp that will allow users to create prediction markets, defining the market question, outcome options, resolution source, and market end time.
Prize: 3-month mentor program at Astar with the possibility of a grant after the program.
Subsquid: Giant Squid Challenge
Hackers must complete at least one of the following subchallenges:
(1) Data validation tool for Giant Squid
(2) Status React Component for Giant Squid APIs
(3) New Giant Squid API: Delegate Account
Prizes: two best entries - $1.5k each
Bifrost: LSD Challenge
Build a dapp for vTokens on Bifrost (refer to “Inspiration for vToken Builders”)
Prize: up to $2500 worth of BNC
Ajuna: Start Game Challenge
Submit your GDD.
Prize pool: 10,000BAJU + 2 Legendary AAAs
What happens
during the hackathon?
Register ▶ Form a team ▶ Attend workshops ▶
Build your project ▶ Get 1-1 mentorship ▶ Submit
Key dates
Launch on 11th April 2023
Submission deadline on 14th May 2023
Finale and Prizegiving on 2nd June 2023
Who can take part? Anyone can take part in this hackathon!
Do I need a team? No, you can hack solo. If you’d like to form a team, we will help you connect with other hackers.
Is there technical support? Yes! The Polkadot and Encode teams will offer support during this hackathon.
Where does the organisation happen? For updates, announcements and everything else on the organisational side, please keep an eye on Encode’s Discord.
Can I enter an existing project? Yes, you can, but only if your project hasn’t raised significant funding already.
Do I own what I build? Yes, you/your team is the sole owner of your project.
Can I do more than one challenge? Yes! We actively encourage this.

Polkadot unites and secures a growing ecosystem of specialized blockchains called parachains. Apps and services on Polkadot can securely communicate across chains, forming the basis for a truly interoperable decentralized web.
Read more here.