Encode x Solana
Educating you about web3 and Solana
Join our eight-week educational series about Solana, kicking off on 5th April!
Read the official programme announcement.
• Educational Events •
Regular educational events and workshops happening weekly, over a period of two months.
Intro to Solana | Tues 5th April 5.30 pm UTC+1
Technical Overview of Solana | Tues 12th April 5.30 pm UTC+1
Intro to Rust for Solana | Tues 26th April 5.30 pm UTC+1
Intro to Anchor | Tues 3rd May 5.30 pm UTC+1
Building your first Solana project | Tues 10th May 5.30 pm UTC+1
Overview of the Solana Ecosystem | Wed 1st June 3.00 pm UTC+1

About our partner
Solana is an open source project implementing a new, high-performance, permissionless blockchain. It’s built to enable scalable, user-friendly apps for the world.
Read more about Solana.