StarkNet Paris Hack

With Encode Club and Activate


With over $41k in prizes!

Monday, 18th July to Tuesday, 19th July 2022 in Paris, France
27 Boulevard Jules Ferry, Paris

Read the official announcement here and the hack summary with the prizewinners here.

StarkNet logo

Rendez-vous à Paris!

Meet fellow hackers, learn about Starknet, answer challenges and win great prizes.

The hackathon was open to everyone who wants to build on StarkNet, no ETH CC conference ticket needed!

Proudly partnering with Activate

Activate logo

We were delighted to be supported by Activate - one of the most prominent supporters of builders in the web3 space, organizers of fantastic events providing value and opportunities to both hackers and enthusiasts alike.



Henri Lieutaud

Henri Lieutaud

Developer Advocate at StarkWare

Shahar Papini

Shahar Papini

Software Engineer at StarkWare

Lucas Levy

Lucas Levy

StarkNet Developer Advocate

Tom Brand

Tom Brand

Product Manager at StarkWare

Louis Guthmann

Louis Guthmann

Ecosystem Lead at StarkWare



Stan Bernard

Stan Bernard

Tech Lead at Only Dust

Paco Villetard

Paco Villetard

Co-founder of Only Dust

Sam Journal du Coin


Founder at Journal du Coin




Henri Lieutaud

Henri Lieutaud

Developer Advocate at StarkWare

Thomas Brillard

Thomas Brillard

Senior Software Engineer at Ledger

Jonas Nelle

Jonas Nelle

Empiric Network

Oskar Schulz

Oskar Schulz

Empiric Network

Julien Niset

Julien Niset

Chief Science Officer at Argent

Abraham Makovetsky

Abraham Makovetsky

Technology Consultant for Braavos

Matthias Hallgren

Matthias Hallgren

CTO at Astraly

Prince Arora

Prince Arora

Founder of Mesh Finance

Vitaly Yakovlev

Vitaly Yakovlev


Sacha Graff

Sacha Graff

Founder and CEO of Magnety

Sylve Chevet

Sylve Chevet

Co-founder at Briq

Yonatan MatchboxDAO



Elie-Alexandre MatchboxDAO




The Venue

27 Boulevard Jules Ferry
Paris, France

Paris, France






Workshop topics

Intro to Cairo

Data Layer for a ZK Future

dApp <-> wallet integration, a walkthrough for new dApp projects

ZKX: Building decentralized computation for dApps on Starknet

Build your first plugin on your wallet

DeFi Pooling - L1 to L2 messaging

Build smarter NFTs on StarkNet

Smart contract automation and pricefeed access to power your Starknet dApp

Security Vulnerabilities & Best Practices in Cairo Smart Contracts

StarkNet Storage and Optimizations

How to push the boundaries of Account Abstraction with Argent X

Over $41k in prizes


StarkNet logo

StarkNet is a permissionless decentralized ZK-Rollup. It operates as an L2 network over Ethereum, enabling any dApp to achieve unlimited scale for its computation, without compromising Ethereum's composability and security

Read more here.